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01/computer engineer

I've always wondered how computers worked. how they work and how every single of their componets plays a role. i would go to a technical college and then go to a university where i can get a higher education depending on my financial status 

02/getting the job

I'll need to get a letter of recommendation and i'll need a lot of experience so that is going to be a struggle. along with communicating with fellow customers and employees.

03/enjoying my life and making a family

I would lve to have a family in the future with a good wife. I would also love to play agmes as my years pass by because time passes by and i want to enjoy myself before i get old. 

04/ keeping other careers in mind

i could be doing other stuff besides going all in in the computer industry. This will be a tough decison as the education level varies from which pathways in my high school years that i am going to complete

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